You have been so incredibly generous with your time, energy, feedback and support on this project Tanya. I wish you peace and all good things. Being able to take part in your writing project has been such a positive experience for me and as a woman of the same age as you with kids a similar age and having recently lost a parent too, I relate to so much of what you say. With love & good wishes, Helen xx

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And massive thanks too!! Xx

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Oh Helen. Thank you. I will keep the project open for submissions til end of year but in a passive way rather than sending out a monthly invitations to write (which was resulting in so many good stories that I was spending hours each day reading as well as responding/curating). What I’m looking forward to is more time now to READ your and others’ Substacks! xx

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You have done amazing work here... enjoy your break and focus on you. 💕

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Tanya, thank you for everything you have already offered and for your generous support of this writing community. I loved having the opportunity to speak with you and I often come back to your words of encouragement. Wishing you peace and quiet inspiration for whatever unfolds in your writing life xx

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Oh Jo. Thank you. And remember I will be keeping the project open to submissions a while longer yet, only not sending out monthly prompts on individual themes. I’m also looking forward to more time to read your and others’ Substacks now I won’t be spending so many hours each week curating pieces and doing writing teaching work away from home. xxx

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Tanya, I just wanted to say how nice it’s been to get to know you over the past couple of years. Thank you for your contributions and encouragement. I’ve only managed one post on this forum but enjoyed working with you during the Hagitude year.

Do take care of yourself. When you’ve had a second health crisis as you have recently had, really causes one to re-think their priorities. I wish you all the best on your new journey.

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I will never forget our time working together as part of Hagitude. Your courage and honesty was a teaching to me and others. And remember I will be keeping the project open to submissions a while longer yet, only not sending out monthly prompts on individual themes. xx

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Thank you from my heart space. You have inspired me when I thought I was done. On your next part of the journey stop every now and then to turn around and see what you have wrought…

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Heart space. I love that. So very glad our paths aligned on here. And remember I will be keeping the project open to submissions a while longer yet, only not sending out monthly prompts on individual themes. I’m also looking forward to more time to read your and others’ Substacks now I won’t be spending so many hours each week curating pieces and doing writing teaching work away from home xxx

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Huge congratulations Tanya, you achieved your aim to live a public life in a remarkable, imaginative and exceptionally generous way. It has been a joy and inspiration to follow your creative work and to contribute to this exchange. A new decade brings each of us a new story. It takes courage to embrace this change, and you have extraordinary courage - so I look forward to seeing the fruits of this period of replenishment in your work sometime in the future.

Sincere thanks for all you have given me over the past three years, it will never be lost.

With love and the best of wishes, Sheila

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Sheila, these words mean a lot to me, thank you. I’m looking forward to having more time to be a good reader beyond this project of your and others’ work if you know what I mean - to explore what you’re all doing on Substack and beyond. Please do send me links to your work always as it gets published. You are one of the writers I’ve come to admire greatly. xxx

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Tanya, you have been an inspiration in many ways. Taking time to care for yourself and not over extending is an art of precarious balance. You have given so much detail in your response to our writing, while it is so validating, it must also be exhausting to keep up with the pace. I honor you for knowing when it's time to contract inward and delay expanding outward to accommodate your need for self-care. ❤️ xo

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Thank you dear Anne. xxx

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Thanks so much for the privilege of being involved in your projects and communicating in other ways. It's always a joy. Xx

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Thank you Jean. And remember I will be keeping the project open to submissions a while longer yet, only not sending out monthly prompts on individual themes - I’d love it if you, like Sheila Knell, wrote for all the themes in the archive. xxx

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Thankyou. Think there's just 2 to go.

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Ah!!! This is magical, marvellous and inspiring news Tanya. After meeting you across the miles during the year of Hagitude I can say I feel huge excitement for you heading off down this new forested path into who knows where. Which Hag or Hags will be there to meet you?? I'm sensing a tingling of anticipation. Go well and may our paths cross again some day. It nearly Samhain here in NZ and the idea of you going deep into a new adventure is quite special to me. Blessed be! xx

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I have such an ongoing sense of you, Jane, living your life in NZ - goats, motorbikes, art, writing, more. And feel we may meet one day there or here… Ever glad Hagitude brought us into deep shared work together. xxx

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Again, all strength to your 🖊️ arm Tanya. I have so much gratitude for your influence on my journey which continues. May your days be blessed with the magic

(Funny, I started reading-reading A Cure for Sleep just yesterday 🤔) Thank you

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To have someone reread a book we’ve written… that’s a fine deep feeling. Thank you. Your writing is astonishingly strong, Maurni. I hope you may submit more pieces while I keep the active aspect of the project open - albeit in an unadvertised/unprompted way the rest of this year. I’m also looking forward to more time to read your and others’ Substacks now I won’t be spending so many hours each week curating pieces and doing writing teaching work away from home xxx

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Ah! You’ve inspired me to do so now, thank you. I have been sleepy on here, called to other parts. Perhaps it’s time … I do love the flow that happens for me in your space. I will submit more in the coming months.

I’m so happy for you to take rest. Enjoy, be peace-full 🙏🏼

It’s been a pleasure to connect with you Tanya

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Your authenticity at speaking from the depths of your own inner rhythms and true callings is an inspiration to all us creative beings. Thank you for all you continue to give and godspeed in your own creations.

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That’s a very beautiful and generous gift of words you’ve given me. Thank you. xxx

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Love that you're honouring yourself and your needs in this way. Leading the way for all of us ❤

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Thank you Vicki! My days are now long circles on foot around this small town, many weights lifted four times a week, and solitary hours at my writing desk after a long while away from it. Because I’ve been so actively bringing people into community and conversation for years now, I’ve been assuming anyone who gave it a thought would feel I’d lost my way… so for you to say I’m leading means a lot. xxx

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Love that tender- it’s a word and beautiful concept that’s been coming forth a lot lately and now you top it all Tanya. You’re entering the Golden Years of fifties and being bolden as well as golden as ever. I’ll come back to this because it’s packed lunch making time but for now thank you again so much for truly being you.

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Oh Tam thank you for these words - and love bolden as well golden. I’m ever glad this project and our online lives brought your life/stories into alignment with mine, and how I’d love to be in the audience when you’re performing in another season. xx

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If there is a better model for retreating gently into the space that calls you, I haven’t seen it yet. Your generosity in this period of public living has created a lasting impact on all those you have supported, encouraged, and influenced. We are all better writers for our engagements with your insight. I love how you follow your calling and create a life that works for you, one that unfolds and evolves intentionally, thoughtfully. Wishing you every happiness. Hugs from our little corner of France. There’s a little yellow writing table in the shade here if you ever fancy a retreat. Barrie and JoJo x

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I hope you know how much these words mean to me - and I want you to know I’m going to copy them out for a ration of courage on days when I’m missing acutely the feeling of being closely connected in an everyday way to so many good people as we are here across our various substacks and how they call and respond each to each. I would like to visit, yes, in a future season when I’m feeling more robust. It makes me so glad to see your own story-sharing project on here flourishing - a commons aspect to what we’ve been doing. It doesn’t have to be offered by just one person/project all the time. We can all be part of a collective offering with seasonal variations in availability… xxx

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You are so generous Tanya xx

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That means a lot coming from you Wendy, who edits, publishes and mentors so many. xxx

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Wow! Tanya, once again leading the way for all of us to honor our callings and intuitions. Your book and this space you created here have changed my life in ways that continue to unfold and my heart truly swells with gratitude. I can still remember the day I got my first response from you. I think that was the first day I really thought of myself as a writer. I loved having to keep the word count low....that was a lesson so new to me, I never thought I could do it. I learned so much here and had so much fun doing so. I hope you take some time today and put your hand on your heart and let the recognition for all that you have done for us here and let the love and gratitude we have for you sink in. I cannot wait to hear what unfolds for you. Much love to you! XX

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I hope you know that I have never forgotten the thrill of receiving your first submission and knowing absolutely that here was ‘the real thing’. And that you and your kitchen feel so very close to me despite the distance between us. I do really hope to visit next year or the one after - and don’t need you to accommodate me. I quite like the thought of travelling so far to arrive as an afternoon guest at your back door! xxx

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I have felt the same connection and cannot wait to have you in the kitchen. Until then, take good care of yourself! Xxx

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