Apr 27·edited Apr 27Author

These words from you mean a lot Vanessa. I know already (from when I stepped away from my first much-loved & richly-connected career in HE at 40) how strangely quiet and empty my days may feel for a long time and that I won’t be fully using what’s best in me for a while either. But I trust/hope that in a year or so I will grow back into connection in a refreshed or wholly new form of service! In the meantime I will have more time to read your & others’ substack which is a fully good thing! Xx

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Apr 21Liked by Tanya Shadrick

Ah!!! This is magical, marvellous and inspiring news Tanya. After meeting you across the miles during the year of Hagitude I can say I feel huge excitement for you heading off down this new forested path into who knows where. Which Hag or Hags will be there to meet you?? I'm sensing a tingling of anticipation. Go well and may our paths cross again some day. It nearly Samhain here in NZ and the idea of you going deep into a new adventure is quite special to me. Blessed be! xx

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Apr 22Liked by Tanya Shadrick

As always I am late to the party, this does not detract from my gratitude for the immensely giving and tender work you have achieved, neither the inspiration you have spread like a gentle veil over so many of us… I send you my heartfelt thanks and wishes for a future as bright and kind and beautiful as you deserve ♥️xx

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Apr 22Liked by Tanya Shadrick

Wow! Tanya, once again leading the way for all of us to honor our callings and intuitions. Your book and this space you created here have changed my life in ways that continue to unfold and my heart truly swells with gratitude. I can still remember the day I got my first response from you. I think that was the first day I really thought of myself as a writer. I loved having to keep the word count low....that was a lesson so new to me, I never thought I could do it. I learned so much here and had so much fun doing so. I hope you take some time today and put your hand on your heart and let the recognition for all that you have done for us here and let the love and gratitude we have for you sink in. I cannot wait to hear what unfolds for you. Much love to you! XX

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May 3Liked by Tanya Shadrick

Sorry, very late to this! But as a quiet, shy person myself, I fully understand your reasons for stepping to one side for a while & gathering your thoughts. So, so grateful for all you have done so far for me personally & in generously creating this warm and inspirational community of writers - glad it will continue for a little while longer too. Wishing you all the very best as you consider your next steps and looking forward to whatever comes next on your writing journey x

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Tanya! While many parts of me will miss your presence here — your call, so that we can return — more parts of me are rejoicing in your choice of contraction, cultivation, and regeneration. I await eagerly your return!

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Apr 29Liked by Tanya Shadrick

Hi Tanya, I just read your newsletter and can very much identify with what you have written about where you are at the moment. Growth isn't linear, its an "erratic forward movement" as Julia Cameron says in the Artist's Way. Enjoy your quiet time, every seed needs quiet time to prepare for the next stage.

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Thank you Tanya. I can’t tell you how much I admire your decision. To understand yourself to the degree that you can step away from what might have been the obvious route, and honour what feels right to you is something to be greatly respected. I hope you enjoy some time playing with ideas while you live life comfortably. Xx

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So bittersweet! I have only just found you and what a joy it has been, but equally, like so many have said, I am delighted to hear you are prioritising yourself and your family and about to embark on a new journey. I have faced similar forks in the road in the past and have found it liberating to trust my instinct. You are an inspiration in so many ways. Don't rush the metamorphosis. Revel in the cocoon. I can't wait to see you unfurling your wings and drying them in the sun. X

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Apr 23Liked by Tanya Shadrick

It is so lovely to have you here at last. I know you will love it!

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Apr 23Liked by Tanya Shadrick

Dear Tanya,it has been so inspiring writing with you (that’s how it felt!),meeting you and mostly having your generous and considered words next to mine .

This next phase of life will be all the better for your clear knowledge of what you need and your willingness to listen to yourself .


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O Wonderful Tanya. All the time and joy you have given to us, allowed us to set ourselves free and encouraged our own voices. Such generosity, and ability to embolden complete strangers. How exciting to see you off on a new path, all power to you. You have given me so much, I hope to be able to reciprocate one day. Fly and be free! x

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Dear Tanya, thank you so much for sharing what is going on for you, I have found your honesty and generosity amazing since I first came across you in Hagitude, and then thanks to this platform and your continued openness I eventually engaged with the collected stories in the Cure for Sleep and so appreciate your careful comments and encouragement. I think that it's wonderful that you are following your needs to come back to yourself, and I'm so glad that you are not going to cut yourself off completely from creative conversations. Wishing you all the very best xxx

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Apr 22Liked by Tanya Shadrick

A good decision, Tanya. You have given so much (for free) and although i will miss you, you are doing the right thing. Go, enjoy, stare and care...about yourself and your family. Something amazing will emerge and I will buy it then. Thank you for all your support.

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Apr 22Liked by Tanya Shadrick

wishing you peace, love and all that’s needed for your tender season, Tanya. Thank you so very much for your selfless generosity and wisdom, for the time and care you have devoted so willingly here. Good luck! X

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Apr 22Liked by Tanya Shadrick

Meeting you in this brief window of time, reading The Cure for Sleep and countless stories of others was and is a life changing gift for many, for me as well. I wish you all the best and all that's needed in the time of yours. Thank you and take care!

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