Again, all strength to your 🖊️ arm Tanya. I have so much gratitude for your influence on my journey which continues. May your days be blessed with the magic
(Funny, I started reading-reading A Cure for Sleep just yesterday 🤔) Thank you
Again, all strength to your 🖊️ arm Tanya. I have so much gratitude for your influence on my journey which continues. May your days be blessed with the magic
(Funny, I started reading-reading A Cure for Sleep just yesterday 🤔) Thank you
To have someone reread a book we’ve written… that’s a fine deep feeling. Thank you. Your writing is astonishingly strong, Maurni. I hope you may submit more pieces while I keep the active aspect of the project open - albeit in an unadvertised/unprompted way the rest of this year. I’m also looking forward to more time to read your and others’ Substacks now I won’t be spending so many hours each week curating pieces and doing writing teaching work away from home xxx
Ah! You’ve inspired me to do so now, thank you. I have been sleepy on here, called to other parts. Perhaps it’s time … I do love the flow that happens for me in your space. I will submit more in the coming months.
I’m so happy for you to take rest. Enjoy, be peace-full 🙏🏼
Again, all strength to your 🖊️ arm Tanya. I have so much gratitude for your influence on my journey which continues. May your days be blessed with the magic
(Funny, I started reading-reading A Cure for Sleep just yesterday 🤔) Thank you
To have someone reread a book we’ve written… that’s a fine deep feeling. Thank you. Your writing is astonishingly strong, Maurni. I hope you may submit more pieces while I keep the active aspect of the project open - albeit in an unadvertised/unprompted way the rest of this year. I’m also looking forward to more time to read your and others’ Substacks now I won’t be spending so many hours each week curating pieces and doing writing teaching work away from home xxx
Ah! You’ve inspired me to do so now, thank you. I have been sleepy on here, called to other parts. Perhaps it’s time … I do love the flow that happens for me in your space. I will submit more in the coming months.
I’m so happy for you to take rest. Enjoy, be peace-full 🙏🏼
It’s been a pleasure to connect with you Tanya