These words from you mean a lot Vanessa. I know already (from when I stepped away from my first much-loved & richly-connected career in HE at 40) how strangely quiet and empty my days may feel for a long time and that I won’t be fully using what’s best in me for a while either. But I trust/hope that in a year or so I will grow back into …
These words from you mean a lot Vanessa. I know already (from when I stepped away from my first much-loved & richly-connected career in HE at 40) how strangely quiet and empty my days may feel for a long time and that I won’t be fully using what’s best in me for a while either. But I trust/hope that in a year or so I will grow back into connection in a refreshed or wholly new form of service! In the meantime I will have more time to read your & others’ substack which is a fully good thing! Xx
These words from you mean a lot Vanessa. I know already (from when I stepped away from my first much-loved & richly-connected career in HE at 40) how strangely quiet and empty my days may feel for a long time and that I won’t be fully using what’s best in me for a while either. But I trust/hope that in a year or so I will grow back into connection in a refreshed or wholly new form of service! In the meantime I will have more time to read your & others’ substack which is a fully good thing! Xx
May they be blissfully quiet and empty days that you revel in while pondering the next path! Xx