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I’ve missed being part of this community. It is something very special and of course that stems from the specialness of Tanya.

I remember it was on a Sunday morning like now that we first met on Twitter. I was amazed she responded to me so readily and that encouraged me to write straight away this to my mum in Birthday Letters as I’d just realised I’d missed hers- https://thecureforsleep.com/october-issue-birthday-letters/#tamdeanburn

I loved the 300 word limit which gave the opportunity to hone and refine. I quite quickly found another focus in Hands to write about my dad- https://thecureforsleep.com/april-issue-hands/#tamdeanburn

That was also in Season 2 but far from binge-writing through the seasons, that’s all I’ve managed so far. Life, politics and work of course intervene and only so much gets done. It’s not just my writing that’s ground to a halt but much else, especially my music playing on my baritone horn, keyboard and guitar. They are all keen and eager for me to re-engage and it’s an exciting thought to do so. I’m not just setting all this as New Year resolutions but looking forward to the period between Christmas and New Year when there’ll hopefully be some settled time to enjoy this precious Shadrick gift.

Bless you Tanya, seasons greetings to all here and Peace on Earth please now. Tam Dean Burn xx

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Thank you for these wonderful words of support for our project here, Tam. I remember so well the excitement of that day we connected online - reading your words, hearing them, then thinking of Ivor Cutler… and only afterwards learning about your acting and performing, which confirmed my instinct that you should be on stage. And of course you were, and had been for years! My range is so modest in comparison, so I’m touched that this quiet project offers you something.

Tan xxx

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