Thank you Tanya. I am as ever so very grateful for this opportunity to write in this space. Without it I don't know that I would have shared my words, my memories to the outside world.
Thank you Tanya. I am as ever so very grateful for this opportunity to write in this space. Without it I don't know that I would have shared my words, my memories to the outside world.
...but now you have begun, I forsee your writing journey moving out from here into many other places (while also hoping my themes will hold your interest so that you stay with us too!) xx
Oh yes for sure Tanya, I want to keep going on my writing journey! I feel that I have changed already. I am now feeling into everything with words rather than wondering how I might capture with a paintbrush. So exciting! xx
Thank you Tanya. I am as ever so very grateful for this opportunity to write in this space. Without it I don't know that I would have shared my words, my memories to the outside world.
Tracey xx
...but now you have begun, I forsee your writing journey moving out from here into many other places (while also hoping my themes will hold your interest so that you stay with us too!) xx
Oh yes for sure Tanya, I want to keep going on my writing journey! I feel that I have changed already. I am now feeling into everything with words rather than wondering how I might capture with a paintbrush. So exciting! xx