Loved following your voice, your mind, through this piece, Jo. Synchronicity has been one of my own greatest teachers too - bringing my mentor and most of the books that have most deeply informed my work. You describe so well here the in-flood of colour, relief, gratitude that comes when the right people/words find us after a long stuck …
Loved following your voice, your mind, through this piece, Jo. Synchronicity has been one of my own greatest teachers too - bringing my mentor and most of the books that have most deeply informed my work. You describe so well here the in-flood of colour, relief, gratitude that comes when the right people/words find us after a long stuck time. And now you have, in turn, brought Harjo's poem to me and others who will read your piece over the on the story archive (I've included a link to the poem in it). Here is the link to your words over there:
I will always be glad to see more pieces from you, Jo. And thank you for your kinds words. I'm not sure what I will doing work-wise after the end of 23, which is when my last guaranteed book and writing teaching money finishes being paid over. But I know I will always keep this community going for the long-term, even if my weekdays are back in an office once more after this strange and wonderful seven years of full time art and writing!
Loved following your voice, your mind, through this piece, Jo. Synchronicity has been one of my own greatest teachers too - bringing my mentor and most of the books that have most deeply informed my work. You describe so well here the in-flood of colour, relief, gratitude that comes when the right people/words find us after a long stuck time. And now you have, in turn, brought Harjo's poem to me and others who will read your piece over the on the story archive (I've included a link to the poem in it). Here is the link to your words over there:
Tanya xx
I will always be glad to see more pieces from you, Jo. And thank you for your kinds words. I'm not sure what I will doing work-wise after the end of 23, which is when my last guaranteed book and writing teaching money finishes being paid over. But I know I will always keep this community going for the long-term, even if my weekdays are back in an office once more after this strange and wonderful seven years of full time art and writing!