Helen, this was fascinating to me who has so rarely travelled. It gives me a whole new perspective on how it might be to go so far beyond my comfort zone, by using books as a blanket. But I love that even as they provided you with safety and continuity, the actual book in hand was always contingent upon whatever had been left behind by a…
Helen, this was fascinating to me who has so rarely travelled. It gives me a whole new perspective on how it might be to go so far beyond my comfort zone, by using books as a blanket. But I love that even as they provided you with safety and continuity, the actual book in hand was always contingent upon whatever had been left behind by a previous traveller.
It's also simply a gorgeous piece of writing. Have you considered sending it to an online travel magazine or approaching a newspaper travel section with a pitch on this?
In the meantime, here is a link to it in the story archive (happy to add you last name if you confirm here via reply)
Thanks so much Tanya. This is such a lovely safe space to try out a bit of writing after many years and I am really enjoying it (and the anonymity at the moment but that might change as I feel more confident!) - the themes and the surprising things that come to me under those themes has been really exciting! Look forward to more and thanks for creating and curating it xx
Oh my - good point about anonymity! I was feeling a little too bold earlier to be using my full name... I may rethink that as my writing becomes more personal.
Ah! I'd just tweeted asking for Twitter magic to find a replacment - but I've deleted instantly as the link has your name in it!
Do you want me to remove your last name from the story archive listing for it?
I quite understand the need to get used to having your words on the web - several contributors don't give last names (yet/ever) for that reason: it's enough for them to get used to seeing their words presented in a public place at a little distance from them. They often - as you did - see their words in new ways too once they're published. This is true of all writers - however hard I proof read, I only ever see some errors the minute it goes to my editor!
I can't undertake to make lots of editorial changes for style post submission because of the volume of pieces I edit and publish: I can only make change if a big misspelling or formatting problem is spotted...
But I can change your name straight away. On this platform it doesn't get indexed on search engines, and most subscribers don't read all the subcomments on threads...
Oh no, that's absolutely fine! I think I want to do it this way. I just hadn't really considered it. I have now, and please do send that tweet out onto the world. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to waste your time. Thank you!
Helen, this was fascinating to me who has so rarely travelled. It gives me a whole new perspective on how it might be to go so far beyond my comfort zone, by using books as a blanket. But I love that even as they provided you with safety and continuity, the actual book in hand was always contingent upon whatever had been left behind by a previous traveller.
It's also simply a gorgeous piece of writing. Have you considered sending it to an online travel magazine or approaching a newspaper travel section with a pitch on this?
In the meantime, here is a link to it in the story archive (happy to add you last name if you confirm here via reply)
Tan x
Thanks so much Tanya. This is such a lovely safe space to try out a bit of writing after many years and I am really enjoying it (and the anonymity at the moment but that might change as I feel more confident!) - the themes and the surprising things that come to me under those themes has been really exciting! Look forward to more and thanks for creating and curating it xx
Oh my - good point about anonymity! I was feeling a little too bold earlier to be using my full name... I may rethink that as my writing becomes more personal.
Ah! I'd just tweeted asking for Twitter magic to find a replacment - but I've deleted instantly as the link has your name in it!
Do you want me to remove your last name from the story archive listing for it?
I quite understand the need to get used to having your words on the web - several contributors don't give last names (yet/ever) for that reason: it's enough for them to get used to seeing their words presented in a public place at a little distance from them. They often - as you did - see their words in new ways too once they're published. This is true of all writers - however hard I proof read, I only ever see some errors the minute it goes to my editor!
I can't undertake to make lots of editorial changes for style post submission because of the volume of pieces I edit and publish: I can only make change if a big misspelling or formatting problem is spotted...
But I can change your name straight away. On this platform it doesn't get indexed on search engines, and most subscribers don't read all the subcomments on threads...
Oh no, that's absolutely fine! I think I want to do it this way. I just hadn't really considered it. I have now, and please do send that tweet out onto the world. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to waste your time. Thank you!
And that's such great insight, about proofreading and missing things. Thank you again.