Geoff - what a compelling piece this was: in itself like the colour-plate in one of those books: that sort of magnetism (that I remember too: my reading was likewise found material in my grandparents' house, relics of an uncle who'd moved out just before I arrived!). And then that last paragraph - how you invert the roles of student/tea…
Geoff - what a compelling piece this was: in itself like the colour-plate in one of those books: that sort of magnetism (that I remember too: my reading was likewise found material in my grandparents' house, relics of an uncle who'd moved out just before I arrived!). And then that last paragraph - how you invert the roles of student/teachers: stunning.
Geoff - what a compelling piece this was: in itself like the colour-plate in one of those books: that sort of magnetism (that I remember too: my reading was likewise found material in my grandparents' house, relics of an uncle who'd moved out just before I arrived!). And then that last paragraph - how you invert the roles of student/teachers: stunning.
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Tan xx