Immersive... yes, as Christina has found it, true for me too. I'm under many blankets, with a hot water bottle and bed socks on, but I felt myself windswept. Not just by your description of the landscape but by the clarity of your purpose, how you let yourself travel those distances to be in the place needed for your transformation. And …
Immersive... yes, as Christina has found it, true for me too. I'm under many blankets, with a hot water bottle and bed socks on, but I felt myself windswept. Not just by your description of the landscape but by the clarity of your purpose, how you let yourself travel those distances to be in the place needed for your transformation. And like Christina, I want to quote back the line that she did - I had already copied it ready to paste, then saw she had used it too (a sign of how strong it is): " feel that you can walk through your days and still be upright at the end of them." Stunning.
Here is your link, with my thanks as ever for what you bring to this project:
Thank you, Tanya. As soon as I read your prompt I had a vivid recollection of standing on that path, part of the Bronte Way, in the weak light of the sun and the rough brush of the wind, and feeling so beautifully out of myself and also so authentically in myself. It is not a feeling I have been able to hold on to continuously but it is something that I can always find again walking alone in open and wild spaces. The descriptions of the path are taken directly from the journal I kept as I backpacked around Europe from May to December of 2007. I haven't taken that journal out of the box of travel paraphernalia since then and, as I read the words of the self I once was, I am struck by how similar my searching was then as it is now. Thank you for this prompt that reminded me of this moment of transcendence. xx
Immersive... yes, as Christina has found it, true for me too. I'm under many blankets, with a hot water bottle and bed socks on, but I felt myself windswept. Not just by your description of the landscape but by the clarity of your purpose, how you let yourself travel those distances to be in the place needed for your transformation. And like Christina, I want to quote back the line that she did - I had already copied it ready to paste, then saw she had used it too (a sign of how strong it is): " feel that you can walk through your days and still be upright at the end of them." Stunning.
Here is your link, with my thanks as ever for what you bring to this project:
Thank you, Tanya. As soon as I read your prompt I had a vivid recollection of standing on that path, part of the Bronte Way, in the weak light of the sun and the rough brush of the wind, and feeling so beautifully out of myself and also so authentically in myself. It is not a feeling I have been able to hold on to continuously but it is something that I can always find again walking alone in open and wild spaces. The descriptions of the path are taken directly from the journal I kept as I backpacked around Europe from May to December of 2007. I haven't taken that journal out of the box of travel paraphernalia since then and, as I read the words of the self I once was, I am struck by how similar my searching was then as it is now. Thank you for this prompt that reminded me of this moment of transcendence. xx
My pleasure Emily... and that travel journal sounds like a potent resource, especially given what you've shared with us from it here. xx