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Aug 26, 2022Edited
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Oh Monique. What a moving - and beautifully written - response this is. I will set up this month's page in the story archive tonight (I'm catching up on a lot of messages after some days away at a festival) and will come back here with your link as soon as I have. It means so much to me that you're here and that this space is giving you a place to articulate what you've lost and how you've found a way to live beyond it. xx

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Aug 29, 2022Edited
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Tears in my eyes (again) as I moved this to the curated story archive on the book's website. We are lucky to have you join this project - you bring such direct and whole-hearted honesty to everything you write as well as in how you respond to the work of others here. Thank you.


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I was struck from the beginning with the sad brown eyes and how it may have been true, but also felt so labeling, that they are beautiful brown eyes too. This piece really highlights how self-destructive we can be when we lose someone that we love. So glad you made the choice to live. So moving!

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Monique,I feel the impact of the fatal detonation that scattered your family into pieces. My dad died at the end of my 17th year and I too longed for him and searched for him in such a similar way. On the tube, in my dreams next to me ,in my own eyes,in those of my son years later. The longing changed like yours and had to be eased too like yours I think. Now I do long still for him,but mostly know he is somehow alongside me but not too.

Thankyou for your writing .

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