Absolutely no need to apologise Tanya. The fact that you manage to respond to us all is I think quite remarkable and admirable. I once tried keeping a blog and I can tell you it didn’t last very long because it is a huge commitment and chronic illness for me requires making hard decisions about where to direct precious energy.
As to memo…
Absolutely no need to apologise Tanya. The fact that you manage to respond to us all is I think quite remarkable and admirable. I once tried keeping a blog and I can tell you it didn’t last very long because it is a huge commitment and chronic illness for me requires making hard decisions about where to direct precious energy.
As to memory ... it never ceases to amaze me that I forget recently learned names and facts yet can remember all the lyrics to the album Hunky Dory at the slightest prompt!
Sorry to hear you have had bad news about your mums health.
Carol and I no longer live in the same town as I have recently moved to West Yorkshire. Sad to see I missed you at the Ilkley Literature Festival.
Absolutely no need to apologise Tanya. The fact that you manage to respond to us all is I think quite remarkable and admirable. I once tried keeping a blog and I can tell you it didn’t last very long because it is a huge commitment and chronic illness for me requires making hard decisions about where to direct precious energy.
As to memory ... it never ceases to amaze me that I forget recently learned names and facts yet can remember all the lyrics to the album Hunky Dory at the slightest prompt!
Sorry to hear you have had bad news about your mums health.
Carol and I no longer live in the same town as I have recently moved to West Yorkshire. Sad to see I missed you at the Ilkley Literature Festival.
Jan x